Academic Accommodations
Student Accessibility Services
Requests for all disability-related accommodations, including academic accommodations, are handled by Laura Kcira, student accessibility services coordinator. She can be reached at (401) 341-3150 or The process for securing academic accommodations is below.
Step 1
Notify Student Accessibility Services of the need for disability accommodations. This should be no less than two weeks in advance, sometimes longer depending on the preparations involved for the accommodations needed.
Step 2
Provide relevant and current documentation of the disability to Student Accessibility Services. Documentation must provide clear and specific information about the nature of the disability for which accommodations are being requested, as well as give concrete and specific information about its current limiting impact on learning and/or other major life activities within the University living and learning environment.
Documentation generally refers to a student's most recent psycho-educational, medical, psychiatric or other evaluation, and reflects the student's current functioning, including the nature and extent of the limiting impact of the disability on learning and living at the time of entrance to the University. Other documentation such as self-reporting, copies of IEPs or 504 plans or older assessments, in combination with other, more recent types of information/third party assessments or observations, will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Temporary accommodations may be provided if a student needs additional time to provide disability documentation, and the need for accommodation or academic adjustments is deemed likely by the disability service provider on the basis of the information provided.
Students who do not have current documentation may complete the certifying professional form and return it to Student Accessibility Services. Documentation should be mailed to Student Accessibility Services, 100 Ochre Point Ave., Newport, RI 02840 or faxed to (401) 341-2912.
Step 3
Meet with the student accessibility services coordinator during the first two weeks of the semester to determine reasonable accommodations and discuss the process for implementation. The office is located in the McKillop Library, Room 208. The student also fills out relevant forms and receives letters of accommodation for professors.
Step 4
Meet with each faculty member, provide them with letters of accommodation and discuss how these accommodations will be implemented within the context of each class.
Step 5
Consult with the student accessibility services coordinator as needed during the semester to adjust accommodations and/or rectify issues. It is the student's responsibility to notify the coordinator of concerns about accommodations and/or their implementation.
Step 6
Renew accommodations at the start of every semester. Students do so by making an appointment with the student accessibility services coordinator at the start of each semester to review their disability needs and to receive accommodation letters for their new professors.